Radish with Coconut

Radish with coconut

Radish with Coconut

Tambdi Bhaji (Red Vegetable)


On a recent visit to India, my brother’s chef Manju made me lots of delicious low carb vegetarian dishes. I choose to eat a lot of dark vegetables because they also seem to do well for my inflammation issues. Manju spoilt me with her delicate dishes. The dark vegetable (in the red bowl) is the Tambadi Bhaji (or red vegetable) in Marathi, the language spoken in Maharashtra State.
Use this recipe with spinach, kale, chard, radish. This recipe is my adaptation of Manju’s recipe which I made with Radish, using the leaves as well.


2 TBsp butter/ ghee or unrefined oil
1 inch ginger grated
1/2 cup coconut
1 tomato (diced)
1/2 tsp turmeric powder (or grated)
1 tsp garam masala (optional)
1 bunch radish (2 cups)
1/2 cup cilantro (chopped)
1 lemon


Fry radish in 2 TBsp butter/ ghee, for 3 minutes on each side.
Remove from the pan.
In the same pan, add more butter as needed and fry the ginger and coconut for 1 to 2 minutes.
Add the tomato, turmeric and garam masala, fry for 2 to 3 minutes
Add the reddish leaves (or other dark vegetable of your choice).
Add 2 – 4 TBsp water, cover and cook on low for about 10 minutes.
Top with cilantro leaves and lemon juice.

Nutrition Label:

Nutrition Facts - Radish with Coconut

Online Cooking Classes & Coaching:

Find many authentic Indian recipes in my cookbook Trudy Ann’s Masala Kitchen. Sign up for my online low carb keto cooking classes.
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Email for details.

Chai Chai x Trudy Ann


© 2020 Trudy Ann’s Chai & Spices

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