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Kombucha Recipe

Kombucha Recipe This first fermentation is where you finally make the kombucha. For the scoby recipe, click on this link. Use organic ingredients preferably. Do not use decaf tea. Ingredients  *14 cups clean water 1 cup (200 g) unrefined sugar  2 Tbsp loose leaf tea (I use 1 Tbsp black tea and 1 Tbsp green tea) 2 cups unflavoured starter kombucha (either from a previous batch or store bought)  1 scoby (1/4 inch) A large […]


Kombucha Scoby Recipe

For Kombucha recipe, click on this link. I have been making Kombucha at home using my Assam Black tea. I did not realize just how simple it is to make. The only labour intensive part is waiting for the Scoby to form. After that it is fairly straight forward. You only make the scoby the first time. All you need is black tea, unrefined sugar and for the first batch of scoby, 1 cup plain […]

Elderberry Elixir

Elderberry Elixir

I blended the Elderberry Elixir as a remedy for a bad case of the flu. I am not a doctor, but this works better than medicine for me. I noticed in many bottled elixirs, there is about 12 grams of sugar in 1 ounce! That’s a lot. Over the years I add almost no sugar in my beverages. I started taking this with me to add to carbonated drinks when I go out to eat.This […]

Bone Broth

Bone Broth

The person who has influenced me the most in my healing food journey is Sally Fallon, author of, Nourishing Traditions one of my favourite recipe books.  This broth recipe is an adaptation of her recipe. My magic elixir is the broth. Plain and simple. Not a week that goes by that I don’t have a large pot of broth simmering. It is my go-to medicine for everything. Flu, colds, joint pain, nausea, energy boost, sore throats. […]


Turmeric Ginger Latte

I meet lots of people with the flu or a sore throat during winter. Often they happen to be my vendor friends at the events I do. I have a simple remedy for you below with my Turmeric Ginger Tonic (TGT). I typically do not add dairy or non dairy mylks to my TGT, but to those of you asking how to make a simple latte, here is the recipe below. I also never use […]

Soothing Tummy Tea

Tummy Tea Elixir

This is an adaptation of my Tummy Tea. I created this delicious drink with a combination of my products. It really prevented me from getting sick during my long work hours at the Craft shows.

Iced Fruity Apple Pie Chai

Iced Fruity Apple Pie Chai

I was recently given recipes for various iced chai to make but felt that steeping black tea for as long as suggested made the tea bitter. I like my recipe below and have tested it favourably at events that I do. The fruit teas make a great substitute to fruit juices packed with sugar.Recipe works best with Assam Mint, Rooibos Spearmint, or caffeine free fruit teas.Steep caffeinated teas for 5 to 7 minutes. Caffeine free […]

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