
Chicken Tikka – Butter Chicken

CAD $5.00

25 in stock

My cousin Karen lives in London where they know what good Chicken Tikka-Butter Chicken should taste like.
She and her mum have prepared this dish for decades from an old recipe. Simply the best Chicken Tikka I have had is at their home.

There are 16 dry roasted  organic ingredients! To make this a perfect Chicken Tikka, use Trudy Ann’s Tandoori Marinade with this recipe.

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Treat yourself to an Indian-style gourmet banquet with Trudy Ann’s Chicken Tikka / Butter Chicken Masala. This spice mix is made with 16 different organic ingredients, all dry roasted. Dry roasting the spices before grinding releases their aroma and essential oils and enhances the overall flavour of the masala powder.
Chicken Tikka / Butter Chicken masala can be used for meats, marinades as well as for dips. Use this aromatic Indian spice mix to prepare delicious Chicken Tikka, authentic restaurant-style Butter Chicken, and many other yummy treats at home. Add a unique finishing touch to your favourite meat dishes with Trudy Ann’s Chicken Tikka / Butter Chicken masala. It is a spice that makes everything nice!

If you like my Chicken Tikka – Butter Chicken Masala, you could also give my Tandoori Masala a try!

Origin: Certified organic spices from small farms around the world.

Ingredients: Cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, black pepper, cumin, cloves, mustard, bay leaves, star Anise, fennel, turmeric, coriander, Ajwain, chili, paprika, ginger, garlic.

Preparation Chicken Tikka: Marinade 1 lb meat with Trudy Ann’s Tandoori Marinade.
In ghee/ oil, Fry 1 TBsp Ginger-Garlic paste,1 onions, 3 large tomatoes, 1TBsp Trudy Ann’s Tikka Masala, 1/2 cup water, 1/4 cup cream, add grilled meat. Cover & Simmer until cooked. Garnish with cilantro leaves.

Variation: Add 1 teaspoon Tikka Masala to 1/2 C plain yogurt. Use as with Butter Chicken marinades, dips or add to food to enhance flavour. Add salt to taste.

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