Tag Archives: Organic Spices

Iced Fruity Apple Pie Chai

Iced Fruity Apple Pie Chai

I was recently given recipes for various iced chai to make but felt that steeping black tea for as long as suggested made the tea bitter. I like my recipe below and have tested it favourably at events that I do. The fruit teas make a great substitute to fruit juices packed with sugar.Recipe works best with Assam Mint, Rooibos Spearmint, or caffeine free fruit teas.Steep caffeinated teas for 5 to 7 minutes. Caffeine free […]


Stuffed Eggplant (Veg & Non Veg Recipes)

When I left India, I could not cook. I collected recipes from everyone around me on the eve of my departure to North America. Once here, I experimented by making the most labour intensive dishes when I was in Graduate school, especially on weekends when we had big parties in our International student home. I found cooking relaxing and the aromas reminded me of our kitchen at home. This in one such dish I enjoyed making. […]


Daal- Lentil Soup

I make Daal many times a week as it is quick and yummy. This is a great meal when my sons bring home unexpected friends.  I like to invite them to eat with us especially if they have come at dinner time, in keeping with traditions from home. This dish, with rice and a simple salad makes all happy. In most Indian homes, you will always have a bowl of Daal in addition to other dishes […]

Llonch- Vidalle Family enjoying my Coconut curry in Argentina.

Coconut Curry

As a child, I was a very picky eater. However, I LOVED coconut curry, mainly so that I could drink the gravy. This recipe below is my husband’s favourite curry and the one I make most of the time. I much prefer using fresh coconut to desiccated coconut for this dish. I made this dish for our good friends in Argentina when travelling there. Below is picture of them enjoying this dish with all the […]

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