Turmeric Ginger Latte


I meet lots of people with the flu or a sore throat during winter. Often they happen to be my vendor friends at the events I do. I have a simple remedy for you below with my Turmeric Ginger Tonic (TGT). I typically do not add dairy or non dairy mylks to my TGT, but to those of you asking how to make a simple latte, here is the recipe below. I also never use soy milk. Here are  the reason.

Alternatively, you can make the same recipe using my Assam Black tea. However, you steep the black tea for no more than 5 minutes.  I often start my morning with the Assam black tea, with freshly grated turmeric and ginger added to it.

I find drinking this tea makes a huge difference in my inflammation and I drink it as a preventative.
Please watch the reviews here.  Read additional reviews and health benefits on this page.
Tip: Use turmeric or ginger powder if you don’t have the root. I prefer the fresh roots.

NOTE: If you have low blood pressure, licorice root tends to raise blood pressure.


Trudy Ann’s Turmeric Ginger Tonic
1/4 cup Full fat Cream or non-dairy mylk.
1/4 tsp grated Turmeric root or turmeric powder
1/4 tsp grated ginger root (or powder)
1/8 tsp pure monk sugar or other low glycemic sweeteners. (Optional as licorice root makes this tea sweet)


Steep tea for 10 to 15 mins. Strain.
Transfer to a blender with 1/4 tsp grated turmeric & 1/4 cup of your preferred cream or dairy-free mylk. (I like cashew or almond).
Alternatively, you can gently boil all the ingredients in a saucepan for 10 to 15 mins, strain, and drink.
Nutrition information is based on 1/4 cup cream.

Nutrition Information:


Online Cooking Classes & Coaching:

Find many authentic Indian recipes in my cookbook Trudy Ann’s Masala Kitchen. Sign up for my online low carb cooking classes.
1 to 1 Coaching available to help reverse metabolic health – loose weight – stay healthy! Email for details.

Chai Chai x Trudy Ann


© 2020 Trudy Ann’s Chai & Spices

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