Cardamom Saffron Popsicles
I had a craving for caffeine and a popsicle! I decided my Saffron Chai had all the makings of the Indian ‘Kulfi’ ice-cream. Of course, as I am diabetic I try to make low-carb treats. This one kept me happy most of the summer. I would eat them at the Farmer’s Markets and customers asked if I am selling them. I am not! I don’t need another project but you can enjoy. Please check out my saffron tea on the website.
I used pure almond milk, made by my friend Lauren at Nuez almond milk. It’s made by hand with no added junk. They have many different flavours, I like the almond- cashew one.
Note: You can also add 2 TBsp milk cream powder if you would like to thicken this up.
Makes about 6 popsicles.
1 c Trudy Ann’s Saffron Cardamom Chai (cooled)
1/2 c coconut milk
1/2 c Nuez almond milk
2 tbsp crushed pistachios
1 tbsp sweetener (I used yacon root syrup)
1/4 c full-fat cream (optional)
Whip all the above to a smooth consistency and pour into molds.
Online Cooking Classes & Coaching:
Find many more dessert recipes in my cookbook, Trudy Ann’s Masala Kitchen. You can also check out my best-selling tea Kashmiri Golden Saffron Chai.
Sign up for my online low carb keto cooking classes. 1 to 1 Coaching available to help reverse metabolic health – loose weight – stay healthy! Email for details.
Chai Chai x Trudy Ann
© 2019 Trudy Ann’s Chai & Spices
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