• Red Rooibos Tea
  • Red Rooibos Tea
  • Red Rooibos Tea

Red Rooibos Tea

CAD $12.00

2 in stock

Sold in a 100 g size.

This is a bold organic Red Rooibos Tea. Drink Rooibos tea if you want to cut back on your caffeine intake or just enjoy endless teas in winter. Add spices to this tea such as the Bombay Masala or Fennel spice for some variety.


Sold in a 100 g size.

Rooibos tea, also known as red tea or red bush tea is a herb native to South Africa and is known for its many health benefits. When dried, Red Rooibos can be brewed into a rich red-brown herbal tea. Rooibos being a herb, is completely caffeine-free and hence is an alternative to other caffeinated beverages like black tea and coffee. This organic caffeine-free red Rooibos tea has a sweet, woody taste with a slight hint of vanilla. Red Rooibos tea tastes good on its own and blends well with full-fat cream or milk. Enjoy this rich tea with lattes, cocktails and as a drizzle on top of ice creams. Add chai or fennel spices to my Red Rooibos Tea for more punch or benefits to your beverage.

An interesting fact about Rooibos Tea:

The narrow belt along the West Coast of South Africa is the only place in the world where Rooibos tea grows. It is also one of the world’s six Plant Kingdoms. The Mediterranean climate along with ideal temperatures and adequate rainfall and sunshine, makes it favourable for Rooibos to be cultivated. Besides this, the sandy slopes and pleasant valleys of the Cedarberg Mountain Range also provide the perfect habitat for Rooibos cultivation.

If you like my Red Rooibos Tea, you could also give my Rooibos Masala Chai a try!

Health Benefits of Red Rooibos Tea:

  • anti-oxidant
  • helps reduce weight gain
  • reduces physical impact of stress
  • raises good cholesterol

Please consult a doctor if you have allergies to certain ingredients.

Origin: Organic Red Rooibos comes from the western province of South Africa. Does not contain caffeine.

Ingredients: Organic Red Rooibos tea

Preparation: Add 2 grams (1 teaspoon) of tea to 1 C. hot water. Steep for 5  mins, strain and enjoy. Alternatively, grate some fresh ginger and steep with the tea during flu season.

Stove Top Preparation: Put 1 C. water in pot. Bring to a boil. Add 1 teaspoon of tea. Gently simmer for 5 -10 mins. Strain & serve.

Sizes: 50 cups (100grams)

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