  • Red Curry
  • Red Curry

Red Curry Powder

CAD $5.00

25 in stock

When I was asked to make dry roasted spice blends, I decided to call my family for old recipes that have been tried and tested. This is my grandmother Monica’s recipe. This is the most used curry powder in our family when it comes to making curries.

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Trudy Ann’s red curry powder is a versatile base for a variety of meat, fish, and vegetable recipes. Made with all dry roasted organic ingredients, this red curry powder is a blend of organic spices like garlic, ginger, turmeric, chili, cumin, and pepper and is a must for any coconut curry recipe. It adds flavour to curries and can also be used in dips, marinades, and salad dressings. You can also use this spice mix to prepare a delicious and refreshing Cilantro Mint Chutney. Use Trudy Ann’s Red curry powder for a quick dinner recipe or on days when you need to throw in something together at the last minute.

If you like my Red Curry Powder, you could also give my Dhana Jeera Powder a try!

Origin:  A South Indian curry that is excellent with yogurt, coconut or plain curries.

Ingredients: All dry roasted ingredients, organic garlic, organic ginger, organic turmeric, organic chili, organic cumin, organic pepper

Chicken Curry Preparation: Fry 1 onion, 1 tbsp ginger/ garlic, 1 tomato, 2 teasp curry powder, mix in meat and add 1 can coconut milk. Cover & simmer until meat is cooked.

If you need your dish to be extra spicy, I suggest adding another teaspoon of curry powder or fresh chilis.

Variation: Add 1 teaspoon Red Curry Powder to 1/2 C plain yogurt. Use as dips, marinades, salad dressings, shakes, smoothies or add to food to enhance flavour. Add salt to taste.

For recipes see Trudy Ann’s recipe blog.

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